Thursday, April 5, 2012

SATurday 24th.

Saturday is typically our family outting day especially due to our business. 

This Saturday was particularly rainy. 16 year old sister had a beauty pageant at her high school for Ms. BGHS.   
Closed up shop to watch the 6 year old sister for my mom to take a mother daughter day.

After countless efforts at dress shops she had the best luck at department stores and thrift shops, which is where I typically start first.  

With all the costuming we do with different events we have had to achieve the art of re-purposing and tailoring. 

 But even the littlest changes such as the color of ribbons,  size of buttons, switching out the zipper, or changing the length of the sleeves or hem can alter the entire appearance of the ensemble. 

 Here is an example of one dress that my mother continued to alter by adding the fur trim, inserting a new front panel and bracers on the sleeves, and then making an under skirt and hemming an over skirt. 
Then finally adding pearls for embellishments and a part-let for modesty. 

Just like many late nights of last minute projects:

We did spend a restful day together while bonding over plans for the future summer season for furniture, props and garb.

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