Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Yum yum

Tyr takes a jab at learning the art of pureeing!

Tyr really appreciates me constantly involving him in what I'm working on because he doesn't feel left out.

When working as efficency as possible with a restless baby its easier for me to collect everything before starting on the food.

I am a strong adovocate in breastfeeding your little one for 6 months. I am also a full time working mommy who never has two free hands. If you have to use formula with food to ensure that your little one is well nurished there is nothing to be ashamed of.
I registered with Similac, Enfamil, Gerber and a few other baby product companies to recieve free promotional products. I also recieved some promotional products when I came home from the hospital.

ALWAYS take full advantage of promotional products and the goodie bags you can recieve for registering at your OBGYN or at a hospital you may choose.

I am not positive what offers you can recieve with midwives or other birthing coaches....

Too Excited to get off the ground with my Baby Bullet!

So far I have made all of Tyr's meals with it. I also recieved another storage set as a baby debut gift and couldn't be happier!

When Tyr first started on baby food he ate one container (2 fl. oz) right before bed time (around 9 or 10)

However only a week later when he was so hungry during the day that he was particularly attached to my breast we began giving him a serving around 3p.m.

At first we were apprehensive but when Mother instinct kicks you must go with the flow!

Tyr is now 14 weeks old. He is axp. 14.5 lbs and probably 25 inches now.

He eats up to 4 oz of food mid noon and before bed.

He eats one kind of either fruit or vegetable a week so we can watch his eating habits and preferences.


Week One was pear.

We boiled the pear and pureed it.
Then we made an 8oz serving of milk mixed with oatmeal to ease in the taste of the pear.
Made little adjustments such as adding a bit more milk or more oatmeal to change the consistency.

Week Two was avacado.

Again boiled the avacado but we decided to add rice for veggies and oatmeal for fruits. (Generally)

Week Three was sweet potato.

We did not add much rice since sweet potato is already a thick puree'

Week Four has been apples.

Apples take a bit longer to boil down to make smooth.
He loves them!
They are a diaretic so when he has experienced most foods we intend to have apples a few times a week.

The only time we noticed he had a preference to fruits was when we tried to feed him some leftover sweet potatos week four.
"infants typically prefer fruits because they are sweet like the mother's milk."

We picked up mangos, plums, and two different kinds of apples because he seems to like them so much.

Meal time is sometimes stressful but take a moment to relax and you'll realize how much more fulfilling the experience is when he or she is full, happy, and dowsy! (Little down time for mommy since they don't sleep as long during the day.)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Media Debut

Fast forward to Saturday the 31st.

34th Annual Eggstravaganza

The three of us snagged a photograph with the
Easter bunny next to the bouncy castle in Augusta's County Recreation Center in Fishersville.  
Medieval Fantasies Company had the opportunity to promote out first upcoming festival at Natural Chimney's Park. http://medievalfantasiesco.com/StoneTowerGlenn.htm
The Daily News Leader captured these two photo's while we  were passing out promotional flyers

This was our little encampment for the event where we had staff of 7 including a gentle dragon who passed out dragon eggs. 
We went out to Shoney's afterwards which was nice because we were able to reserve an entire party room. Shoney's is not my favorite restaurant but the fact that we were able to eat out and were able to enjoy our meal because the little ones weren't causing havoc made the day spectacular! 


We are very fortunate that we get to enjoy these fun little outings while being on the clock. And that our company strives to encourage family entertainment!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

12 weeks!

Our little man is growing on up, eating rice cereal at bed time now!

I was able to pump enough breast-milk to make him the cereal. 
We were rather fortunate that my sister got us the Baby Bullet back in December. For this instance we just used the little cup to shake the mixture vigorously but we can't wait to puree and milled meals.

He took to the spoon like a champ! At first we discussed putting it in his bottle because the cereal was so thin but he did a fantastic job.

With the first spoon we tried it was easiest to feed him with the side of the spoon because it had the traditional shape. As you can see I also held him because it seemed the easiest to see how he ate with the spoon and it wasn't too back aching to be closer to his level.

After he gobbled his 4oz of milk with a tablespoon of rice cereal he snoozZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZed for the entire night.

HUGE relief! Although I have read that infants don't eat cereals until 4 months.

But most of the mothers and family I've talked to have suggested to follow your instincts when the baby won't sleep through the night. 

We have been getting peaceful nights of sleep from 11pm to 7am.

SATurday 24th.

Saturday is typically our family outting day especially due to our business. 

This Saturday was particularly rainy. 16 year old sister had a beauty pageant at her high school for Ms. BGHS.   
Closed up shop to watch the 6 year old sister for my mom to take a mother daughter day.

After countless efforts at dress shops she had the best luck at department stores and thrift shops, which is where I typically start first.  

With all the costuming we do with different events we have had to achieve the art of re-purposing and tailoring. 

 But even the littlest changes such as the color of ribbons,  size of buttons, switching out the zipper, or changing the length of the sleeves or hem can alter the entire appearance of the ensemble. 

 Here is an example of one dress that my mother continued to alter by adding the fur trim, inserting a new front panel and bracers on the sleeves, and then making an under skirt and hemming an over skirt. 
Then finally adding pearls for embellishments and a part-let for modesty. 

Just like many late nights of last minute projects:

We did spend a restful day together while bonding over plans for the future summer season for furniture, props and garb.

Love is Paitent

Sunday is our day to have a mommy and daddy day.

Which does not mean we drop the little one off but since I am either running the shop or we are working on Saturdays,Sundays are a day to ourselves to relax.
 We watched cartoons as well as one of my finance's favorites Charlie Brown.

Happiness is a warm blanket, Charlie Brown.

The directors (Andrew Beall & Frank Molieri) took many original cartoon strips to fabricate the film.
The movie was fairly entertaining and insightful to us although it is arguable that the movie encouraged Linus to carry around his childhood blanket.  The constant struggle to take away the blanket with no avail as well as Linus's final speech about the blanket being his happiness and sanity; reconfirmed for me that its okay for children or anyone for that matter to take comfort in any form of a "security blanket".
as long as it is not hazardous to anyone's health of course 

I have yet to experience this with my little one so I can't talk from much more experience rather than with my younger siblings and cousins their infatuations wore off as they found more distracting and interesting activities. 

The day was rather romantic as we lounged in bed all day and later in the evening gave our son a rather sudsy bubble bath with Johnson's Lavender Wash.

He loves taking a bath in his:

  The First Year's Infant To Toddler Tub with Sling

We love the little plug that allows us to drain it so we can rinse him with a little squirt bottle rather than having to lift him out of the sling. Originally we wanted a shower hose for him but this simple tub is perfect because its compact and easy to store and drain.

We were worried the attachments like hoses or jets would leak because we have such a small apartment right now everything has to be carefully stored to prevent extreme clutter.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Apologies for the brief intermission!

We've had quite the adventures these past days...

For new foods, new products,media debut, trip to the e.r. and the quest to regain the hearth!

I'll be posting the catch up days following this post starting with Saturday the 24th. 

Saturday is intended to be Family Outting days :)
Monday is wash day, Tuesday Tyr's Day and Wednesday the day for reflections.

Fun Times with Uncle Tony in Richmond :)